Our dental team at Luminous Dental Studio will make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, there are cases where a tooth may need to be extracted for the benefit of your other teeth and gums. A simple extraction removes a tooth that is observable above the gumline that is damaged or deteriorated beyond repair. During a consultation, we can take digital x-rays with our NOMAD imaging technology to assess the area causing concern.
Whatever your reason is for having a tooth extraction at Luminous Dental Studio, we will treat you with the best care. Our Frisco, TX office offers nitrous oxide sedation techniques, and that means you can remain calm and comfortable during your procedure. Contact our team for more information or to schedule an exam with one of our dentists, Dr. Nam Kim or Dr. Minho Chang, to recuperate your oral health.
Tooth Extractions Reviews
Best Candidates
If your tooth has been broken or damaged from decay, Dr. Kim or Dr. Chang will make every effort to repair it with bonding, a filling, or a crown. However, a tooth may be too damaged and will need to be extracted to prevent the decay from spreading — we have to think of the health of the remaining teeth. You may also need a dental extraction to remove teeth that do not fit in your mouth. This includes your third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, which develop around the ages of 17 – 21. In older children, baby teeth that have not fallen out naturally may need to be pulled so they don't block the permanent teeth. If you are getting braces or considering a clear aligner, you may need a tooth extraction to make room as your teeth shift into their proper position.
What To Expect
Extractions are performed in our office with local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth being removed. We can also offer you nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) to keep you relaxed if you have any dental anxieties. For a simple extraction, Dr. Kim or Dr. Chang will loosen the tooth with forceps or a dental elevator and then pull out the tooth.
While your mouth heals, you should avoid spitting, smoking, and using straws. Your recovery process will vary, depending on the complexity of your extraction, but most patients prefer to eat soft, cool food for the first few days after the removal. Dr. Kim or Dr. Chang will talk to you about what to expect during your recovery and how to care for your mouth.
Your gums and face may look and feel swollen after the extraction. We recommend applying a cold compress and take over-the-counter pain medication for relief. In some cases, your dentist may write you a prescription for pain medication and antibiotics. In addition to any suggested follow-up visits, you should continue to schedule appointments at Luminous Dental Studio for dental exams and cleanings so we can monitor your oral health after an extraction.
Learn More about extractions
Let our team at Luminous Dental Studio take a look at your teeth to decide what extraction method is appropriate for you. Of course, we would like to be able to save the tooth or teeth for you; however, when saving the tooth is not an option, turn to our dental team. We are here for you, and we know that making the decision to have oral surgery is a big decision that is essential for your health. Dr. Chang and Dr. Kim will do their best to make your surgical dental experience as comfortable as possible.